SiiGii’s works epitomize a new dynamism in sculpture, blending the fluidity of choreography with the deconstruction of form to create an immersive narrative experience. Rooted in a profound personal narrative, their art transforms the intangible into a tangible experience, as they describe their art as a practice to own their stories and create positive transformation in an almost meditative state.

Each piece SiiGii creates serves as an embodiment of their journey and emotional landscape. Their sculptures intertwine with a sense of motion, capturing the fluidity of human experience and the constant state of becoming. Their practice transcends mere aesthetic pursuit, as it delves into the realms of personal empowerment and healing, offering a space where stories are not only told but also redefined and reclaimed. This process is meditative, reflective of a profound engagement with the material and immaterial aspects of their inner world.

SiiGii (b. 1989, Spain) holds a BA in Fashion Design from BAU University of Design (2011). Recent exhibitions include After Dark, Newchild, Antwerp (2024); Fembot, The Hole, New York (2023); Stilllife Art and Design Fair, New York (2023); The Other Art Fair, New York (2022); Pulse Projects, New York (2022); KUNST, New York (2022); among others. The work of SiiGii has been featured in magazines such as Brooklyn Magazine, Hypebeast, Dezeen and PAPERMAG. The artist lives and works between Barcelona and New York.